Group Exhibition:
The Proof Is In The Pudding
Galerie Fontana is very excited to represent and begin our collaboration with Carolein Smit. In this group exhibition, we present the elaborate works of Carolein Smit alongside new work by Jehoshua Rozenman, Anneke Eussen as well as Feipel & Bechameil and Julia Aurora Guzman.
Carolein Smits sculptures captivate the eye with their luminous glazes and astounding details. Working with themes of life, death and vanitas, Smits subjects form narratives that travel from mythology to iconography and into whimsical play.
Alongside Smit, Rozenman’s sculptures move in a new contextual direction. This body of work departs from the labyrinth-like buildings into tangible and recognizable motifs.
Finally, with the great success of Anneke Eussen at Art Rotterdam, we are proud to show the last available works from the series.
We wish you a beautiful Summer!
Art Rotterdam
Stand 17
5 - 9 February 2020
Main Section:
Anneke Eussen
Jehoshua Rozenman
Roeland Tweelinckx
Launching of a new book/work by Simone Hoang
Location: Atelier Van Lieshout
Opening talks:
Joep van Lieshout (artist and collector)
Hanne Hagenaars (curator Fries Museum)
15 December 2019
Lustwarande: Delirious with a monumental work by Jehoshua Rozenman
15 june - 20 October 2019
Photo Basel Art Fair 10 - 16 June 2019
Galerie Fontana presents a preview of the latest project of Simone Hoang, 'The Night as a Darkroom'. Also new works by Marchand & Meffre (Budapest Courtyards) and Max Kraanen (The Ocean Keeps Calling)
Gallery Fontana will participate in Ballroom Project during
Antwerp Art Weekend with works by Jehosua Rozenman
Art Rotterdam
Stand 55
7 - 10 February 2019
Main Section:
Duo presentation of Simone Hoang & Julia Aurora Guzmán
Martine Feipel & Jean Bechameil
Click here for the online catalog
Pan Amsterdam
Stand 103
18 - 25 November 2018
Art Rotterdam launches online gallery Platform
Art Rotterdam launches online gallery platform Gallery Viewer, the online gallery platform of Art Rotterdam goes online in September 2018. Gallery Viewer gives a clear picture of which works are available at which gallery and at what price. It also gives a short explanation with each work of art. Deepening of the artist’s oeuvre is supplied in text or short film by various experts. Gallery Viewer is an open platform which will, after the Netherlands, place the international gallery world online.
Check out Galerie Fontana on Gallery Viewer
Fotomuseum Den Haag
Retrospective Exhibition
Jan Banning
05 May 2018 - 02 September 2018
The latest work of Simone Hoang, which she created in the research lab of the science department at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is part of the group exhibition Colourbomb.
17 February - 01 May 2018
Her work is also part of the current winter exhibition in our gallery.
Kunstverein Kunsthaus Potsdam
Galerie Helga Hofman in collaboration with Galerie Fontana
Potsdam - Amsterdam - Tel Aviv
Exhibtion Ruthi Helbitz Cohen & Jehoshua Rozenman
06 March 2018 - 22 April 2018
KunstRAI / Art Amsterdam 2018
Wednesday 04 - Sunday 09 April
Stand 59
Solo presentation: Tilman
Main booth: new and existing works by
Jan Banning
Simone Hoang
Max Kraanen
Patrick Koster
Marchand & Meffre
Robert Polidori
Ruben Terlou
Salon de Hout
Group exhibition in a private recidence
Heringa / Van Kalsbeek
Jehoshua Rozenman
Ruthi Helbitz Cohen
17 & 18 March and 24 & 25 March
(on invitation only)
Wednesday - Saturday
13.00 - 18.00